How to develop web application with PHP SQL

October 28, 2021

how to develop web application with php sql

PHP and MySQL are great for the creation of dynamic web pages and apps. They are currently some of the most extensively used technologies for creating back-end applications around the globe. They enable you to generate dynamic content and bring it to life on your website. They also enable data to be saved in the backend database and used in a variety of ways. You’ll eventually be able to apply what you’ve learned to create more complicated and powerful web pages and applications with PHP and SQL.

In the software development industry, PHP is not a programming technology that is questioned for its efficiency. It is the most widely used server-side scripting language. Even though PHP was released 25 years ago, it continues to grow in terms of popularity.

The combination of PHP SQL design has made it easier for organisations of all sizes to succeed. For their perfect results, PHP and SQL web development has become well-known among all software engineers.

Do you have any idea why PHP and SQL are merged?

PHP SQL, is open-source, meaning that anyone can use them for free on the internet. It employs a relational database management system. SQL can manage a huge number of database connections at the same time. When both of these technologies are integrated, they offer some of the most beneficial advantages to organizations looking to boost earnings with their web apps.

To be a successful businessperson, you must use reliable programming tools and database management systems. With millions of websites published each year, the web app market is flooded with traffic and competition. Businesses are looking for the best process on how to design web application with PHP SQL and a list of top PHP companies in India.

We’ll cover some of the concepts in this post, all of which can be utilized to build dynamic Web apps with PHP SQL solutions. External files can be included, custom functions can be written and used, emails can be sent, the Web browser can be redirected, and the date() function in PHP can be used. Some of the particular examples are based on prior chapters’ work, and the majority of the code in this chapter will be reused in some way or another in subsequent chapters.

Benefits of How to develop web application with PHP SQL

If you want to get the most out of your web application development services investment, this pair is a good option. Here are the PHP SQL benefits to create web database applications.

Security Assurance

For PHP development, there are a plethora of professionals. It proves the saying “old is gold.” Because PHP is 25 years old, it has a large pool of experienced PHP developers who can provide significant support to beginners throughout bespoke software created using PHP.

The combination of its active community and a well-known database management solution like SQL results in extremely secure online applications. The best SQL framework is well-known for being the most dependable and secure database management system.

Because sensitive information is transmitted during monetary transactions, good security is demanding in e-commerce enterprises. To get the most out of PHP SQL, businesses prefer to use the most recent versions.

Highly Scalable

In a collaborative framework, PHP SQL functions brilliantly. PHP functions and libraries enable you to write your code. It’s simple to incorporate into HTML, making PHP website development for PHP web developers is considered a great pleasure.

SQL, on the other hand, is a background database that provides effortless support. Furthermore, no other programming tool can match the scalability that this combination offers.

PHP SQL web development is known for this feature. They are designed to meet the specific needs of database servers. E-commerce enterprises can create a scalable website with total personalization.

Open Source Platform

PHP gives developers a lot of flexibility when it comes to programming. PHP SQL is an open-source database management system where developers can easily integrate it into their code. Their configurable features enable firms to create unique websites that meet their specific needs.


In comparison to other database systems and computer languages, the cost of troubleshooting time with these tools is lower. In PHP SQL web development, there are essentially no performance issues to fix.

Businesses need not be concerned about software development costs while working on this combination. The licencing is free, the community support is excellent and there are plenty of articles to make programmers’ jobs easier and offer them the opportunity to get things right the first time.

The ultimate result is bright and cost-effective. Custom software development services can help you complete your web application development project quickly and easily.

Rich Features

PHP SQL has the potential to provide a wide range of functionalities to meet the specific needs of enterprises.

Whatever the project requires, whether it is to handle thousands of requests in the e-commerce industry or to execute flawlessly in a fast transactional processing system, Indapoint can help with the best strategies.

With this combination, even the most demanding applications can be produced quickly. It provides increased performance by providing optimal speed and distinct memory caches.

Here are the steps to follow  – How to develop a web application with PHP SQL

Collecting essential requirement

Even the tiniest personalized initiatives must have parameters for what must be completed. Understand the issue, what the users want, and what has to be done in general.

  • We’ll need to make a quick to-do list.
  • The list of tasks should be kept in a database.
  • If a task is still “pending,” “completed,” or “cancelled,” flags should be displayed.
  • Create a page where you can manage your tasks

Create the database’s structure

Let’s move on to the project’s basis – the database tables – now that we’ve completed the planning and have a basic notion of the system.

This should be easy to understand:

  • todo_id”: The primary key is the task ID
  • todo_task: The task itself is described.
  • todo status: The task’s current status: 0 indicates that it is pending, 1 indicates that it has been completed, and 2 indicates that it has been cancelled.

Yes, that should be adequate to meet the “keep the activities and monitor their status” requirement.

PHP Library

  • The function Object() { [native code] } connects to the database when the $TODO = new ToDo() object is formed, and the destructor closes the connection when the object is destroyed.
  • query() is merely a helper function that does SQL queries.
  • There are only three key functions that cover “manage to-do items”!
  • Add or update a task with the save() function.
  • getAll() returns a list of all to-do items.
  • Delete a task with the del() function.

Client-side pages

The final step is to design a page to manage the to-do items now that the foundations have been laid (user interface).



require "2-todo-lib.php";

if (isset($_POST['action'])) {

  // (A1) SAVE TASK

  if ($_POST['action']=="save") {

    $pass = $TODO->save(

      $_POST['task'], $_POST['status'], (isset($_POST['id'])?$_POST['id']:null)




  else { $pass = $TODO->del($_POST['id']); }


  echo "<div class='notify'>";

  echo $pass ? "OK" : $TODO->error ;

  echo "</div>";




<form id="ninForm" method="post">

  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="del"/>

  <input type="hidden" name="id" id="ninID"/>


<div id="tasks">

  <!-- (C) ADD NEW TASK -->

  <form method="post">

    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save"/>

    <input type="text" id="taskadd" name="task" placeholder="Task" required/>

    <select name="status">

      <option value="0">Pending</option>

      <option value="1">Done</option>

      <option value="2">Canceled</option>


    <input type="submit" value="Add"/>


  <!-- (D) LIST TASKS -->


  $tasks = $TODO->getAll();

  if (count($tasks)!=0) { foreach ($tasks as $t) { ?>

    <form method="post">

      <input type="button" value="X" onclick="deltask(<?=$t['todo_id']?>)"/>

      <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save"/>

      <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$t['todo_id']?>"/>

      <input type="text" name="task" placeholder="Task" value="<?=$t['todo_task']?>"/>

      <select name="status">

        <option value="0"<?=$t['todo_status']==0?" selected":""?>>Pending</option>

        <option value="1"<?=$t['todo_status']==1?" selected":""?>>Done</option>

        <option value="2"<?=$t['todo_status']==2?" selected":""?>>Canceled</option>


      <input type="submit" value="Save"/>


  <?php }} ?>

</div>Take some time to read through the above – we’re simply utilising the library to build the necessary HTML list. We’ve combined the HTML forms and PHP processing into a single page for simplicity’s sake.

However, we will normally break the processing into a separate “PHP AJAX handler script”; it is better to maintain this as a “pure interface page,” as it will be much easier to update when users say “this does not look nice” to a technical code ninja with no design experience.

Last but not least, software development never truly stops. For instance, in the future, we may want to improve the to-do list:

  • Add a timestamp to the task to keep track of when it was last updated.
  • Add a new column to the database called “updated.”
  • Update the functions in the PHP library to include a timestamp as well.
  • The timestamp should be displayed somewhere on the to-do list.

Yes, you’re upgrading the development cycle; it never stops and will keep looping as new requirements arise.


PHP SQL web development is the best choice if you want dynamic, scalable, and high-performing web projects. Furthermore, because both are open-source, this combination allows for cost-effective development.

For e-commerce enterprises, PHP SQL can be an excellent choice. This database management system’s security is unrivalled. If you are planning to get a web application developed then you must consider this process of how to build web application with PHP SQL and contact Indapoint, a PHP SQL web development company in India that can work according to your needs and visions.


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